What have Alex and/or Ernst done for you??


I am a Darkstar
well let me tell ya allll about it...
because of them I found music again. I found love again. I am singing again.. (WOW Love and Music thats all we need..)and now rabbits goes to Carnegie to sing with her choir FCO
what are you singing rabbit?? ohh a little ol codex named Carmina Burana.....

and on the form we turned in it asked us

My favortie neo classical composer Ernst Horn actually renewed my interest in this portion Burana codex by Orff.. I love his(E.Horn's) rendition of Omnia sol temperat and Lucella Stella.... and he is the reason I have decided to sing again..___Plus all the tarot/ mystical symbolism is really serendipitous._______________ and we answered as so.. ^🙂^ ^🙂^ ^🙂^ ^🙂^ ^🙂^ ^🙂^ ^🙂^

we are your rabbit fan...

Oh no second place to Alex... no no the silken voiced incubus from over yonder... no voice in all the world is sooo magic..
and the depth of the emotion that Alex transmutes into sound... :ymdaydream: :ymdaydream: he is the 8th wonder of the world to me.. and yes he is reason number 2. why we named our Daughter Alexandra... plus he has some mad musical skills yo.

we are your rabbit fan
Always 😀
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They gave me new interest in (playing) the piano (well, trying to 😀 )
I also joined a choir few months ago, but that was not Alexanders fault I think 😛 but I decided to do it as I found myself singing and/or whistling really often xD But the problem is, I cannot sing loud enough and I can hardly read the score :.(
They helped me to discover some skills I did not know I had:

I started to notate by ear with DL songs and it worked much better than I expected.
I never wrote about music before, a lot of fun I missed.
I had a break through practicing Abhinaya on "Minne und Treue". Abhinaya is the expression of emotions of songs and poetry in Indian dance using mime and gestures. I felt that Indian poetry was too strange for me to begin with something I did not know how to do. So I started with something I felt more familiar with. And voilá, it worked out very well. Though this is definitly a cross-over I would never show to anybody, to be it seems rather fitting. Perhaps it is the intensity of the emotions which is very similar. Also the balance between lyrical and rythmic elements is just perfect for dancing 😀

And of course, I agree with you all that the light is in the music. It opens up your heart and lets your soul breathe :x

Oh, and I love "Omnia sol temperat" - it is very good for Abhinaya, too. At the end flowers are spread on the floor all over my living room... :ymdaydream:
OHH #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o Stupid rabbits EEEHw nonononono Lucella stella not part of burana codex..is eatting crow now not only here but to my choir director... stupid mea culpa damn sorry y'all

WOW you all this is powerful stuff.. really flowers all over?? @ Night lights.. just how did they light up your nights come on now a full dissertation please 🙂) 🙂) 🙂) with out sounding dorky

I <3 you all
They helped me through some hard times... they inspired me like nobody else (Im a writer, just for the record, and I doubt Id have published anything so far without those two guys and their music.... a few characters in my stories resemble them, thats my way to say thank you 😉 )... and they made me find out who I really am. That sounds pathetic, I know 😛
I have dark moments in my life, and their music helps me to chase away those dark moments.
Their music helps me to remember how much beauty there is in the world.
This year I saw them for the first time 'live' and OMG I was mesmerized and I will cherish that memory forever.
So thank you Deine Lakaien for making my life more beautiful 😀
Just one thing haunts me, want to know which aftershave Alexander uses 😛
Vanessa schrieb:
Just one thing haunts me, want to know which aftershave Alexander uses 😛

Have you asked the Lakaien facebook moderator? I am not on facebook myself, but as far as I know, some pretty odd discussions have popped up there before. For what it's worth, I still maintain it is this Irish Moss affair. 😉
Well, something that Ernst did for me, ha ha...this morning we decided to visit somewhere in the area but had no idea where to go. I looked on google maps for inspiration and found a place called Seligenstadt which reminded me of the Helium Vola song Selig so I decided to check it on Wikipedia, found it was nice and historical there, so we went there, and it is a really lovely place. 😀 So thanks to Ernst for the inspiration, ha ha 😛 And yes, now I do know that Selig means 'blessed', I didn't know that at first though.
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