Ernst Horn and Michel Houllebecq.... connection what is it...

Some Lyrics/Songs by E. Horn are inspired by some works of M. Houllebecq, like "The Elementary Particles", for example "La fille" on Liod.
Ernst Horn obviously likes his philosophy of life... I don't know. This is the only connection I've heard of.
I thought, "La fille" is a poem in "La Poursuite du bonheur" (Search for happyness). What is the connection to "The elementary particles"?
Unfortunate sentence construction... I wanted to give an example for Houllebecq's works ("The Elementary Particles") and (independatly from that) one for a song that was inspired by any of Houllebecq's works ("La fille"). Sorry for the confusion.
great info... is this common knowledge to y'all or how did you guys come about this info??  I think the inhabitants of the sun is MH poem as well... at least thats what I grok from the cover. sorry can't type the french title with Sasha on my lap..

yes indeed  Ernst still waters run deep for shizz
I have to admit that I do not know Houllebecq's work very well. I just did some web search already some time ago, because I wondered about the same thing as you do.
Yes, the "Inhabitants of the Sun" is a poem of MH, like "La fille". And "The Elementary Particle" inspired Ernst to the song "Prayer" on White Lies. He mentioned that in interviews. He also mentioned once that he likes especially the poems of MH.
fair enough  looks like I will have to dig up this MH fellows work and check it out... but I am not reading Finnegans wake... no way no how... :p  Lysanthe in what interview was this that our beloved toxic dwarf did mention that he liked MH poetry??  you know the next question... can I have it in english please? :-D :-D :-D

Thanks Rabbit
Hi rabbit,
I really found an interview - it is in the Colour-ize fanzine, April 2004. I´ll try to translate  the interesting part:
Colour-ize: Can you say some words about the poem "La fille"? It is one of the more complicated pieces and also a little bit morbid, isnt´t it?

Ernst: Yes, it is. MH himself doesn´t write, what´s it exactly about. For me, this girl is somehow a symbol of death. Among the fashionable authors- and that he is, because he hits a certain zeitgeist -he is the one who I like most. Often he has a cold, precise, even tough way to write and that shows his melancholic side - perhaps much more than somebody else would do.For me he is an absolut melancholic person or an existentialist, however, who affects me especially.

C: Do you know him personally?

E: No, I saw him once in Munich. I wanted to go for an autograph. But then I didn´t dare to go. He made a tour together with a band. He sang his poems, respectively recited them rhythmically. It was touching to see him standing there because you could really see, that he didn´t enjoy it. The music was nice what speaks for him. Nevertheless I stood there - near him- with a book with his poems - and for some reason I didn´t go to him (laughing).
I hope my translation doesn´t change his words too much.
I read the poems and the elementary particles. I like the poems and found some ideas of the el.part. interesting (I´m not a fan of modern writers - so that is almost a praise)

Lys you are my hero... Thanks  oh man Ernst is human after all.... just could get the autograph huh?!  thanks again Rabbit...
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